How to Make Weaving Friends Online and In Person
There’s nothing like making friends with other weavers. They understand you like no one else. In this day and age, you can find the weaving community both online and offline.
Keep in mind you may not be able to find weavers in your area, but odds are there are some other fiber artists near you who would love to be fiber friends. Someone who crochets may not understand exactly what kind of yarn you need to weave with, but they’ll always understand getting excited about finding the perfect yarn.
Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska
How to make weaving friends online & in person
Local yarn stores
Local yarn stores often have sit and stitch nights where you can bring a project and meet other fiber artists. You may not find other weavers, but you may still make some great fiber friends.
Local weaving guilds
Another way to make weaving friends is to search for your city, surrounding cities, and your state to see if you have a weaving guild.
I joined mine and it’s been great. Many of the weavers may use different types of looms than you, but it can still be a great welcoming environment with other people who love to weave.
Monthly fiber arts groups
Look for fiber arts groups that may meet in your area. Try Googling your area and the word “fiber arts group” and see what pops up. You can also try searching on websites like Meetup. You can even start your own or host your own craft night with friends.
As always when meeting people you met online, please exercise caution! Take a buddy with you, make sure someone knows where you are and meet in a public place. If you feel uncomfortable, its ok to leave.
Follow local weavers and fiber artists on Instagram. You can try messaging them and see if they’d like to meet up in person.
I recommend doing this after you’ve gotten to know them and interact with them a bit on social media, otherwise, it can be kind of weird to get a random meetup request out of the blue. Not everyone wants to or is able to meet up in person so don’t take it personally if they aren’t interested! You can still be great online fiber friends.
Fiber festivals
Fiber festivals are a great way to make weaving friends. You can chat with other attendees and booth owners, take a class or attend a lecture and introduce yourself to people. Usually, the groups that put on these festivals will either belong to a larger group that meets or they’ll have ideas and resources for you to find other local weavers and fiber artists.
Search local weaver hashtags on Instagram
Search for weaving hashtags that have to do with your location to find local weavers like #weavingtexas or #cincinnatiweavers or weaving community hashtags like #weaversofinstagram or #fiberartistsofinstagram to find weavers around the world.
Facebook groups
Another way to make weaving friends is to join a weaving Facebook group. There are so many great weaving groups available, you can join mine Wear & Woven & Weavers here. If you search for different weaving groups you can find all kinds of options, join them and find the ones that you like the best.